Course information for the 2025 Shedra Program:
Sutrayana Courses
Course 1 (SUT101). The first course begins with the general Outer Preliminaries, which are the Four Thoughts That Turn the Mind to Dharma. These teachings are the on-ramp to the Buddhist path. July 1-12
Course 2 (SUT102). The next step is the teachings on the Extraordinary Inner Preliminaries, which encompass the teachings on Refuge and Bodhicitta. July 15-26
Course 3 (SUT103) is the final course of the Sutrayana, and explains the precepts and training in the aspiration and application of Bodhicitta practices in detail. This is the transition point to the Vajrayana (tantra) vehicle. July 15-26
Notes: 1) If students of the Sutrayana wish, and their schedule allows, they may take SUT101 and SUT102 consecutively this year.
2) Sessions are recorded, and are available to students for their review.
3) Each course consists of 10 days of teaching, one day exam prep, and the final day is the exam.
4) Those students with scheduling conflicts may depend on the recordings to receive the teachings. If this is the case, students must keep up in order to take the exam at the scheduled time (2 hours are allowed for the exam).
Vajrayana Courses
Course 4 (TAN104) is the beginning exposition of Vajrayana, and includes teachings on the Four Empowerments, the Generation and Completion Stages, and the various categories of samaya. These higher level teachings are restricted to students who have completed the Sutrayana teachings, have completed one half of the ngondro practice accumulations, and received the Vajrayana Empowerment (which will be bestowed by Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche on June 29-30, 2025 at the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas). July 1-26
Course 5 (TAN105) will not be offered this year. This final year of Vajrayana teaches Atiyoga, the Great Dzogchen, which is the pinnacle of Tibetan Buddhist teachings.This course will be available July, 2026.
Extension Course
This year we are excited to include an additional Vajrayana course as part of the Shedra program. This Course (VAJ115) is the powerful Namchak Lineage teaching of:
The Sadhana of the Wrathful Pema Traktung
from the treasure texts of Tsasum Lingpa. This important sadhana teaching includes visualization, ritual, religious instruments, and butter sculptures (tormas).
Students already part of the Shedra program who have previously completed SUT103, or who enroll in SUT103 this July, are eligible to attend this teaching, but must receive the Pema Traktung empowerment, as mentioned above. July 1-12
Who is Pema Traktung?
In Tibetan Buddhism, Pema Traktung is a wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche, who protects sentient beings from disease and other suffering. His fierce appearance symbolizes the intensity of his compassion for all beings.
In Tibetan Buddhist iconography, the wrathful forms of enlightened beings are often depicted with fierce facial expressions, multiple arms, and are sometimes surrounded by flames. "Wrathful" does not mean "hateful" or "angry", but represents their unmovable commitment to alleviate the suffering of all sentient beings.
SUT103 is the end of the Sutrayana teachings, bringing students to the cusp of Vajrayana. This extension course on the Wrathful Pema Traktung is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in Deity practice, which is central to Vajrayana.
We hope you will join us on this incredible journey of learning kindly offered in the traditional way of Tibetan Buddhist instruction by these highly esteemed teachers. This is truly a rare opportunity for western students.